A Smarter Beginning 

Teaching Your Child to Think Critically

November 23, 2013 | Blog | Permalink

Is your child being taught to think critically? Why is critical thinking so important and what is critical thinking? A SIMPLE EXAMPLE When the holiday season rolls around, most kids are excited by the thought of Santa Claus bringing gifts. They’ve heard that Santa and his reindeer land on the roof and that Santa then […]

Electronic Screens Disturb Sleep

November 12, 2013 | Blog | Permalink

Does your child have difficulty falling asleep at night? Maybe it’s because of the TV, computer screen and hand-held devices. BLUE LIGHT: THE BOGEYMAN OF SLEEP Unfortunately, a lot of the light we’re exposed to is blue light even though we don’t usually see it as blue. Electronic devices such as TV’s, computer screens, laptops, […]

Electronic Media in Your Child’s Bedroom

November 5, 2013 | Blog | Permalink

  Is there a TV or computer in your child’s bedroom? Then you need to know about the current research on how electronic media affects children’s sleep. The poor sleep habits of children today have many parents, educators and child psychologists concerned. For example, a friend of mine recently told me that she found her […]